Reply To: Frontend search settings, custom fields don't save

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Frontend search settings, custom fields don't save Reply To: Frontend search settings, custom fields don't save

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


The plugin Flickr Set slideshows is causing the problem. It triggers the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined

in the following file:

line 82:

if ( $( ‘select[name=photoset] option:selected’ ).attr( ‘value’ ).length …

This code is executed on all of the back-end pages, so it might cause further issues as well. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to ajax search pro to prevent this issue, it’s entirely caused by Flicker set slideshows.

Try temporary deactivating the slideshow plugin until you configure the search, but I recommend notifying the slideshow developer about this problem, as it may cause issues with other plugins/themes which use select drop-down boxes.

Ernest Marcinko

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