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Frontend search settings, custom fields don't save

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  • #6696


    In Frontend search settings / custom fields, when I clik on “Save all tabs” button, it doesn’t save anything and reload the sample data. The “add” button does not work either

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    The plugin Flickr Set slideshows is causing the problem. It triggers the following error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined

    in the following file:

    line 82:

    if ( $( ‘select[name=photoset] option:selected’ ).attr( ‘value’ ).length …

    This code is executed on all of the back-end pages, so it might cause further issues as well. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to ajax search pro to prevent this issue, it’s entirely caused by Flicker set slideshows.

    Try temporary deactivating the slideshow plugin until you configure the search, but I recommend notifying the slideshow developer about this problem, as it may cause issues with other plugins/themes which use select drop-down boxes.


    Thanks a lot!

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