CSS :not() vs. jQuery :not() – not the same

Ernest Marcinko jQuery, Tutorials 2 Comments

Most of you might already have heard of pseudo classes in CSS, might as well about the :not() negation pseudo class as well. It does what it sounds like it does, selects an element, which is not represented by it’s argument. It’s important to notice that it can only take a simple selector. Keep in mind, that there might be better and …

Removing unwanted output from ajax responses

Ernest Marcinko jQuery, Tutorials 1 Comment

This article is might be helpful to WordPress or other CMS plugin developers, where your plugin/module/theme get’s to meet with lot’s of other 3rd party plugins/modules/themes. It’s a great thing, that these CMS systems give you the opportunity to build your website, however these 3rd party applications might not work together well, no one can guarantee that. Often times I …

Item Transition Inspiration with jQuery

Ernest Marcinko jQuery, Tutorials 17 Comments

Have you seen Mary Lous latest work on codrops, the Inspiration for item transitions? If not, you should check it out first, she does an amazing work as always. Some of you however might find it a bit hard to integrate into your projects, as there is a huge base of developers using jQuery mostly. I have transformed her work …