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Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko

Okay, so it works with the default values, but it fails after the saving process. Very interesting. It suggests that the plugin database tables are there and working, but somehow at the saving process the data might get corrupted for some reason. It could explain that. I might be wrong though.

First of all, you will have to turn on the error reporting. To do that, you will have to enable debug mode in the wp-config.php. Here is a tutorial how to do it. This should increase the PHP error sensitivity level, and sometimes instead of the error 500 screen a list of error messages show up. That would pinpoint to the line which causes the termination, or at least give us a clue. Let’s hope that gives us any information.

Unfortunately in many cases that does not do anything. Then the only way of finding the problem there is to systematically debug through the plugin code, narrowing down to the point which causes the problem. In this case however I will need FTP access, without that it’s not possible. If you have a test environment or a staging site where I could re-create the problem and you can give me temporary credentials, I will try to debug through the code and fix it if possible.

Ernest Marcinko

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