Advanced Description Field if else

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 4 years, 10 months ago.

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    I use Advanced Description Field (default: {descriptionfield} section.

    I need if else method in description field section.. I am using ACF plugin.

    For example:

    <?php if( get_field(‘alt_konu’) ): ?><span class=”alt_konu”>Alt konu: {alt_konu}</span><?php endif; ?>

    But sometimes alt_konu field empty.. I dont need empty string text… I seen always “Alt konu:” text..

    I am trying all PHP method if and else… Dont accept your description section..

    For example I am trying remove text this PHP method:

    $altkonu='<span class=”alt_konu”>Alt konu: {alt_konu}</span>’;
    $altkonugizli='<span class=”alt_konu” style=”display:none;”></span>’;
    if (get_field(‘alt_konu’)!=”){ echo $altkonu; } else{define(‘Alt Konu:’,’ ‘); echo $altkonugizli;} ?>

    All method not acceptable..

    How possible ı using if and else method in description section?

    Why dont hidden string text “Alt konu:”… Field value hidden but ı added manuel text showing…

    Please check..


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    You can use simple conditional brackets there, as explained within this documentation.

    In your example, it would look something like:

    [<span class='alt_konu'>Alt konu: {alt_konu}</span>]

    This bracket content is only displayed, if alt_konu field exists.

    Ernest Marcinko

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