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Ajax Search Pro script Bug

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  • #15525

    Hi Support,

    I want to report a bug that was caught by a developer working on our website!

    They noticed that Ajax Search Pro breaks jQuery(document).ready( function() {…} ); calls. They explain that this is a serious issue, and a lot of plugins use that event hook.

    This issue is restricting functions on the website and was hoping you guys to resolve this.

    Thank you for your time,


    Michael Maponga

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Hi Michael,

    I just checked your site and the javascript error console, but everything look all right, there are no error messages there. Can you please elabore more on how it break the document ready hook? The plugin is actually using this hook for the initialization as well.

    Also, it has been tested along with thousands of scripts that use the jQuery(document).ready(function(){…}); as well as the jQuery(function($){..}); shorthand hooks, and there are no known conflicts as of now. As far as I know the only thing that can cause this hook to malfunction is if there is a runtime error during the page load, that stops further script execution.

    Please let me know where the issue is present on your site, and I will take a look.

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