Category search displays blank search results on desktop; works fine on mobile

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #12573
    Louise Sopher
    Louise Sopher

    I am having two main issues with the plugin. I have managed to get the category search to work on mobiles, however when I now select a category on a desktop, I see a large dark gap followed by the white block for results. This white block contains no content, but does contain content on mobiles. I have tried to upload another image to demonstrate this, but the ‘add another file’ option here doesn’t seem to work.

    The second problem is that when searching by keywords on mobile or on desktop, regardless of how common the word is, I get the ‘no results’ panel with repetitive suggestions (that sometimes match the keyword entered see ‘no results’ image. When selecting one of these suggestions, nothing happens.

    I am a WP beginner and have tried changing as many settings as I can on the plugin. The combination of settings I am currently using has provided the least issues. I just can’t work out why these two issues are happening. Any advice would be appreciated.

    Louise Sopher

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    I believe I see the problem here. I’m not sure, but based on the page source, I see you use plugin shortcode in your header, which was made with the shortcode builder. The problem comes from the fact that it was mostly made to display the search in a block-styled fashion, within a page content, where there is enough space. However the site header is not the best use case of that shortcode. In your case this simple shortcode is:

    [wd_asp id=2]

    Instead, I would suggest using the simple search shortcode, and making sure that the results and the settings box layout is both set to ‘hovering’ as well. This way, the results and the options will be displayed directly below the search, floating above the content.
    – Results layout mode:
    – Settings layout mode:

    Another thing is the search bar final width for the compact layout. By default it’s set to ‘100%’, meaning, that it should stretch to the container element, to adopt it’s width. However in this case, the container element itself is moving around and changing it’s width on some conditions. I would also recommend changing this to a fixed, pixel value, for example ‘320px’:
    This will help you maintain the element position in the header.

    The ‘no results’ issue I believe is in connection with the taxonomy term filters, because I see that their default state is set to unchecked:
    Therefore even if the keyword matches a result, the category it belongs to might be unchecked. You can change this state back to checked on the Frontend Search Settings -> Categories &Taxonomy terms panel:

    Ernest Marcinko

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