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GA4 event tag doesn't fire

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  • #42948

    We’ve followed the instructions to set up google tag manager but found that the ga4 event tag doesn’t fire at all.

    Please let us know if you need access to our google tag manager.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    I tried to check the site front-end, but it’s password protected. .htpassword protection may actually prevent some google tag events from propagating – make sure to try without that too.
    Let me know the username/pass and I will try to check the front for the event triggers.


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    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    I don’t see the tracking ID specificly entered. Can you please do that here. In this case it might be required as gtag.js is not present.


    We use google tag manager and the container is installed. We’ve other event tags successfully fired. Attached is when it doesn’t fire in this case and does fire in another event.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Okay, I have logged in to check, but the tracking ID was not entered. I have put the tracking ID here.

    After saving I can see the dataLayer updating, and see the events now on the limited view on the tag manager too.

    Clearing the browser cache should now propagate the changes to the GTM container.


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    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Can you please try switchin the script loading method to classic here, to make sure it’s not a conflict.
    After clearing the cache that should very likely resolve the issue, that is the only difference I see in configuration from the front-end.


    Thanks a lot! It is now working.

    By the way, in GA4 Enhanced measurement there is Search Term Query Parameter. Do they do anything in our case if we don’t have a separate result page?

    I found that putting ?s=whatever after an url it’ll just put the word in the search input, with nothing happens

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    I don’t think so – that measurement triggers whenever a pageview is detected with those parameters present. The live search does not trigger pageviews (and it should not to avoid “fake” traffic) but events, so this feature has no effect.

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