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layout problem of related posts

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  • #9030

    Hi Ernest,

    I have a problem with the isothopc layout of the plugin:
    every post it displays will be underneath each other – its not aligning correctly.
    Can you have a look at my site what could be the reason for this behaviour ?

    Many thanks…

    Best Regards,

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Hi Markus,

    The cause might be the fatal errors coming from other scripts I see on the error console:

    I have tried to log-in, but I’m getting a white screen when trying to access the wp-login.php file.


    Hi Ernest,

    thanks for this helpful hint: it was a function in wp-speed-booster that caused the javascript to not work properly: move scripts to footer. Disabling this function brings back the correct layout.

    Many thanks…

    Best Regards,

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    That’s great to hear.

    I think I will close this topic and mark it as resolved for now, feel free to open another one if you have other issues.

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