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Multiple groups of categories in

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  • #10994

    I am building a page where I am presenting porfolios with multiple groups of categories as parent/child set on each porfolio.

    Some groups of categories should have checkboxes and some radiobuttons and one a drop down menue.

    In the frontend search setting I can not create different filters for different groups of categories. Or am I missing some setting?

    I have been watching the demo using custom fields for creating groups of custom fields ( and its this functionallity I am trying to recreata but with porfolio categories instead.

    Håkan Jelk

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Unfortunately this is only possible with terms within different taxonomies. The display mode can be changed, but for taxonomy groups only. (Frontend search settings -> Category and taxonomy terms panel -> Change display mode button: )

    I wish there was a minor modification I could suggest for this, but it’s much more complicated than that. I’m not sure if such feature (display mode per parent-child terms) will be implemented, as mixed displaying of items within the same taxonomy group would create massive connection logic related problems. I recall one other person a few months back had a similar request, but we could not make it work either.


    Ok, thank you for reply.

    I guess I should use custom filed instead, but as I will not be the author for this page in the future I need the an easy tool for pre-populate custom field values. Do you have any experience of any wp-plugin so the future authors can set cusomt field values with checkboxes instead of entering values in the textfields. That will not work 😉

    I realy could use some recommdation here.



    I have tried to use the Advance Custom Fields plugin but I keep failing…

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    I don’t know then, I believe ACF is the most advanced plugin in this case. I’m not really familiar with other custom field plugins unfortunately.


    Hi, have started to work with ACF but I am having big difficulties to generate a search form. Have you any suggestion of where to find a tutorial for working with ASP/ACF?

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