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Performance and WPML Issues

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  • #10483

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    If I am searching for a product Name like “RawRax” on my website, your plugin send me the german and the english result. But I want to have one language only. How can I activate to see only my active language in my results?
    I still activated WPML Compatibility in your settings, but it seems to work not properly?

    Thank you very much for your support in advance!
    Best regards

    Andreas Hofem

    P.S. Your website have a design issue that makes it hard to see the complete input field of your support area….sorry

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Dear Andreas,

    The only thing I can think of is that in case you have the search cache activated, it might not been cleared automatically after saving the options.

    On the Cache Settings submenu, please hit the “Clear the cache!” button, to trigger it manually:

    After that, the results should appear in the correct language according to the configuration.


    That’s it!

    Thank you so much! Ernest!

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

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