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Please add JS event "asp_resuts_hide" on your next version

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  • #12013

    You have JS event “asp_resuts_show” but you don’t have “asp_resuts_hide”. Can you please “asp_resuts_hide” on your next version? It’s very easy:

    In jquery.ajaxsearchpro.js in hideResults function just add this at the bottom before exiting the function:

    $this.n.c.trigger("asp_results_hide", [$, $this.o.iid]);

    That will enable your users to do something like this:

    jQuery(".asp_main_container").on("asp_results_show", function(ev, id, instance) {
    console.log(‘Showing results’, ev, id, instance);

    jQuery(".asp_main_container").on("asp_results_hide", function(ev, id, instance) {
    console.log(‘Hiding results’, ev, id, instance);

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Great idea! I have added the event to the upcoming version code, it will be included in the 4.10.3 release.


    Thank you Ernest

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