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Presentation washed out…

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  • #6876

    I have another curiosity likely related in some way to W3TC, MaxCDN and CloudFlare use.

    Suddenly, without my changing anything in ASP, the entire presentation of the search is wrong. Take a look (most noticeable in Firefox). The term “Search Here….” is set to 000 (Inspect it). The results text should also be 000 with the titles being as solid blue as the other blue links on the front page (but it’s not here. it’s thin as if there’s some sort of screen over the search results).

    ANY idea what could be causing this behavior?


    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    It’s because of the font type. If I change the font-family then it suddenly appears black. The current font-family is set to “Raleway”, which I guess is a much thinner font type or something, and it appears less opaque.

    You can try a custom CSS to increase the font-weight, but I’m not sure if it would change anything. Something like:

    [html].ajaxsearchpro * {
    font-weight: 900 !important;

    that code will force a thicker font weight to all elements within ajax search pro.

    However if you are not attached to the “Raleway” font too much, I suggest changin the fonts to “Open Sans” or “PT Sans” instead. Those google fonts have a great support across desktop and mobile devices.

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