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Search Not Working

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  • #6151

    I am having trouble with the search functioning. It is working correctly in the preview that is generated when in the settings, but does not populate any searches on the front end. I had the free version before I purchased and it worked fine, then suddenly stopped after the last update.

    Please help!

    Thanks so much,


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by epicearproepicearpro.
    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Hi Daniel!

    I see the problem, but I have no idea what is causing it. It’s most likely a 3rd party plugin or theme issue. Basically some part of the configuration string is html encoded and the plugin script is not able to read it. Something is encoding it, but unfortunately I can’t tell yet.

    I’ve tried to log-in with the details give, but I’m getting a redirect loop error:
    Can you please check the login data on an empty browser to see if it’s working for you?

    Also, I will definitely need temporary FTP acces to find the cause and fix it if possible. This is an unknown issue yet. You can safely add FTP details by editing your initial post in this thread, or by uploading a .txt file with the details. Both methods are safe, visible only for me and you.



    I have updated the previous post with the FTP information. The redirect loop has been as issue I have had for a while (I have not figured it out yet). What I do to get around this is go to and enter the login credentials there. It will still take you to the redirect loop page, but then you go back up to the address bar and remove the, “wp-admin” and hit enter. You will then be taken to the page and see that you are logged in at the top. To get to the dashboard, simply click on, “Edit Page”. I know this is a very funky way to get in, but it’s what I have to do for now.

    I appreciate your timely response! I am needing this issue resolved as soon as possible.

    Thank you SO MUCH for your help, Ernest!


    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Thanks for the details. I couldn’t find the cause, but I found a solution that simply excluded the search shortcode from the post processing.

    Keep an eye on other 3rd party shortcodes as well. The search shortcode was altered by something, which added extra lines and tags between empty lines. This should not happen and may cause issues with other plugins that use shortcodes as a display method. If that ever happens, make sure to disable suspicious plugins one-by-one and keep refreshing the front-end until the problem is fixed. That way you will know which plugin might have caused the issue. If that’s not helping, then most likely the theme is at fault.
    I’m hoping it’s not going to happen to other shortcodes 🙂

    For future reference I changed, includes/shortcodes.php line 124:

    [code]return $out;[/code]


    [code]echo $out;[/code]



    Thank you so much! I am ridiculously impressed with you. This is the best support experience I have ever had by FAR.

    You are the man! God bless you.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    You are welcome and thank you for your kind words!

    If you want, you can rate or review the plugin on your codecanyon downloads page.

    Feel free to contact me if you find any issues.


    Just gave a review! I don’t know what your commitments are, but I own a marketing and advertising business.
    If I get work that you would be suitable for, are you available for contract work?

    Thanks again!

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Amazing review!

    Thank you very much for your offer, but I’m fully committed to codecanyon right now 🙂 I will let you know if anything changes.


    Good deal! That is probably the best place. I am sure they take good care of you! Again, thank you for your help!

    Thanks so much!

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