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Search Result is not as expected

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  • #15094

    I am trying to setup the search. It looks nice but I found the search result is not as expected. I am not sure if I set something wrong or not.

    I made a search page here:

    And I try to search the following:
    “Do you know a woman”

    You can login to my backend. You can see a custom post type named as “Knowledge”. And I set the ajax search to search only on this custom post.

    And in the list of Knowledges, you can see a post title which is “”Do you know a woman who is being abused?A legal rights handbook.”

    I expected the search result of “Do you know a woman” will show this post as the first result. However, this post is not even listed in the search result.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Thank you for the details, I have checked your configuration, and found a few issues, that I fixed.

    1. Some taxonomy terms were also choosen to be returned as results, which I believe you don’t need, as you only want the knowledge post type as results, nothing else. I have removed these taxonomy terms from the result sources:
    (if you intended to display these as results, then my apologies)

    2. Based on your descritpion I assumed you want closer matches to exact phrases, so I changed the search logic configuration as following:

    This configuration prefers exact matching, if no exact matches (or not enough) are found, then a secondary fuzzy matching with the ‘AND’ logic is executed as well. It will very likely return much more relevant results.

    You can learn more about search logics and similar features in the following documentation chapters:
    Search logic
    Index table engine

    I hope this helps!


    This is what I needed! Thanks! I will try to study more on the settings.

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