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Search result name not showing

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  • #13634


    I can’t seem to get the page title to show when the Isotopic result is shown in my search (please see attached screenshots).

    Thanks in advance.

    PS – the ‘add another file’ attachment option in this form doesn’t seem to be working.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Thank you for the prompt details, I was able to find the issue in the configuration.
    The title was there, but not visible, as the result content background was set to the same color as the title font. I have changed it to an opaque black, now it should be visible:


    Thank you Ernest, excellent service!

    Just a quick question. I am using Ajax Pro to search a bunch of pages that all have the title starting with ‘supplier’ followed by the suppliers name (supplier-name). I’ve done this for ease of use so that all the supplier pages are in the same wordpress editing area and easily identified as such. However I would prefer the search result to show just the supplier name rather than the name and prefix (supplier-).

    Is the best way to achieve this to setup a custom field with the preferred suppliers name as a value and then set that custom field as the option in the ‘Primary Title Field for Posts/Pages/CPT’ setting in ‘Advanced Options – Content’?

    Again, many thanks.

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