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Theme won't update

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  • #12660

    The theme changes I have made concerning the design and look of the search bar do not show on the front end of the site. (ex.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    I’m not able to log-in with the given details to cross-check, but I’m guessing this is very likely due to caching.

    Looking at your site source, I can’t see the media query strings on any of the asset files, so there is some kind of caching enabled there. In this case, after making changes I highly recommend clearing all layers of cache: page cache, assets cache, varnish cache, Cloudflare or any other CDN cache and also your browser cache. Then re-loading the front page by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + R should force your browser cache to reload as well.

    I usually turn off all caches when making style related changes, as assets files like javascript and CSS are very often cached on multiple layers.


    The problem is resolved now. Thank you!

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    You cannot access this content.

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