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Customisation of the search result

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  • #15101

    I have few questions about the customisation in the search result:

    1. I can see there is some shortcode to format the search result like {titlefield}. I want to add “Public Date” append to the end of the description text but I don’t know what is the shortcode for this. Actually, where can I find all the shortcode?

    2. Similar to #1, I know you can add custom field to display on the search result. However, I need to show the post categories append to the title. Can this do done?

    3. How can I show total number of search result items on top of the result list?

    4. I am building my search page here: You can see a filter list on the left. However, I want to add another filter list on top of the search result with another filter type. Can this be done?

    5. Can I change “Show More” to paging style?


    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Hi Alex,

    1. It is to only display the title field and to add custom field content if neccessary. For other things a custom code is needed via the asp_results filter.
    Depending on what field the ‘Public Date’ is (taxonomy term, custom field or something else), it might be possible to make a custom code to append that field value to the results content.

    2. There is actually a knowledge base article that will help you: Showing the category titles in post titles in results

    3. Unfortunately that is not possible.

    4. The filters are bound together in one container, so it is not possible to separately display some parts, I’m afraid this is not possible either.

    5. The isotopic results layout has a built in pagination. The vertical and horizontal layouts can only load more items via the ‘show more’ link.

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