Property search demo

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #10163


    I’ve just purchase your product and I have another question. Could you, please, setup the demo of property search in my site instead me. Thank you in advance.


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    The property search uses the “Plain curvy” theme, so I loaded it up for you on the Theme Options panel.

    I’ve also enabled the settings to be visible at all time, in a block position.

    If you want to create filters, check these tutorials in the documentation:
    Custom field filters
    Taxonomy term filters

    To achieve a two column setup, you can use this shortcode on your pages:

    [wd_asp elements='search,settings' ratio='50%,50%' id=1]

    ..or use the search and the settings shortcode separately.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

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