Question about excluding user from search results.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 7 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi Ernest,

    This is the question I asked about on Envato:

    In settings for User Search, I have selected the admin role to be excluded. However, users who are admins are still showing up in searches of member activities if that is turned on for “Buddypress Activities.”

    Since I posted on Envato, I tried to add myself to the list of excluded users that you create via General Options -> User Search -> Exclude or Include content by users, but every user but me can be added to that list (even when I am logged in via another admin account). Can I go into the cPanel to add me to the list?

    I also tried to exclude myself from member activities and member search by excluding the “admin” tag for user- bp_member_type (these are generated by another plugin) under Advance Options -> Exclude Results ->Exclude posts (or cpt, attachments, comments) by categories/taxonomy terms. This didn’t work for member activities or any other type of search results, so I am wondering if this tag is doing anything at all?

    Right now I don’t want to exclude myself from all types of search results because the blog posts are under my account. I guess I could create an editor account and switch blog authorship to that account, then it would be ok to exclude all types of results associated with my admin account.

    If you can’t exclude me from Member Activities, then could you let me know how to add myself to the list of excluded users that you create via Advanced Options -> Exclude Results ->Exclude or Include content by users? I can’t add myself to that list either.

    Thanks for the help!

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Cathy,

    Can you please add temporary FTP and back-end access, so I can check your configuration, and if needed, make changes in the plugin files?

    Currently I’m not sure what type of content is the search configured to look for. If it’s only buddypress activities, then the reason those options have no effect, is that those are not related to buddypress content, and currently it’s not possible to exclude buddypress activities by user ID.
    The only possible thing I can do with that is perhaps to add a custom code to the plugin files directly, to exclude the activities under your user ID – or if you prefer, activities from all administrators. But I will need FTP access to do that.

    Then, for one of the upcoming releases I could add a role based and a user based exception option for buddypress activities as well – so you won’t loose this capapbility once you update the plug-in.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Hi Ernest,

    Thanks so much for the help with this issue! When I started to write this reply, I realized that I have a bigger problem than just excluding buddypress activities of admins from the search.

    All users will have the option of making their BP profile and activity private, and this can be changed back and forth whenever the user wants. So if the search isn’t picking up on those settings from the plugin that establishes them, then it would probably be better for me to not use ASP to search users at all and just rely on a bp search plugin that integrates with the privacy plugin.

    I don’t want you to do any extra work if I’m not going to need it, so I’ll have to get back to you about this.

    Thanks again for the offer to help!


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    That is perfectly reasonable 🙂

    Let me know if anything changes!

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

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