How to show same set of Ajax Search Pro results on search page

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by sgb02 sgb02 6 years, 9 months ago.

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    I tried enabling the General Options -> Logic and Behavior controls:
    Action when clicking the magnifier icon,
    Action when pressing the return button,
    Override the default WordPress search results with results from this search instance?
    These are all set to on.

    However, I would like to see all the results shown in the Ajax Search Pro window, shown in the search results page in the same format. In this scenario most of the interest is for showing attachment images as shown in the live search window. Although other result tyes should also be shown. For some reason the image results are shown as if they are posts, but neither is linked to the actual image. Is it possible to show the image results as the actual image thumbnails on the results page?

    Basically I want to be able to start a search using Ajax Search Pro, see the results immediately in the live search window, hit enter, and have all the results that were shown in the live window shown inline on a search results page in the same or similar format. Then I should be able to click on one of the results in that page and link to the item.

    Note the following search terms are defined for media attachments:
    Blood, Drive, Book, DOK, Ministries, Avis, blue, red

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    The results page format is unfortunately entirely controlled by the theme itself. Because WordPress by default does not support displaying other than post type results, usually themes are not ready for it either.
    With the override feature, all the plugin can do is replace the default search results, and convert non post type results as if they were post types. For attachments, it may be possible to display the image, as attachments are actually post types, but that definitely needs a theme modification.

    It is not possible either to pass the live search results from one page to another when redirecting either. Altough I think this might be a neat feature, this is the first time anyone has came up with it, as far as I can remember. I will not this as a feature request, and see if I can implement some sort of a shortcode for it.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Ok thanks, I thought it might be a limitation of the theme. A new shortcode is a good idea. I guess the only other choice is to customize the theme’s search page.

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