Categories and Results Positioning

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by STEMadvocacy STEMadvocacy 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hope all is well. Thank you again for this plugin. It works great on our site!!!!!!! i was wondering if there is currently a way to change and modify the look of the search on front end so that the category check boxes can be configured below the search bar at different positions and the results show up below the categories area?

    If that doesnt make sense, as an example, please see the search layout for the Upwork’s site:
    click “advanced filters”.

    i just love the layout there and i have been trying to replicate that on my website with your plugin. Would be great to have more control on the visualization/positioning of the categories that are laid out on the front end.

    at the moment, the visitor has to scroll up and down all the parent categories in one column. better if they are all visible and we have an option to move them around across columns (within their parent categories…& if very large, then it would be ideal to provide an option to collapse/expand the specific parent category alone) below the search bar

    again, ideal to have the results show up below the categories area.

    Just curious what new layout features (if any) are in the pipeline. If there are no plans for something like this, any ideas to making the search layout like Upwork will be appreciated!

    Many thanks


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Fanuel,

    That looks really pretty to be honest, I really like it. There is a sort-of similar example with ajax search pro here:

    However there is an issue yet to be resolved, that currently it is only possible to have 1 filter box per taxonomy. In your case that means, that all categories would be under 1 drop-down. This would be only possible with either custom fields, or if the terms were separated into more taxonomies.

    I am definitely adding some sort of feature in a future release to allow creating more filter boxes per taxonomy. It has been requested many times by now, but I could not work out a proper solution that is compatible with previous releases as well.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Hi Ernest

    Thanks for the quick response. Glad to hear you have been working on the feature. Curious, i was under the impression that my categories are split up into more than 1 taxonomy. e.g., gender, geography, who is etc.

    what other type of taxonomy dont i have?

    also, any thoughts on how to ensure the results show up BELOW the categories selection area?



    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Fanuel,

    In your case, you have a parent -> child category structure, but all of these terms are within the ‘category’ taxononmy. A taxonomy is basically a group of terms (like post categories, post tags, product categories).

    Taxonomies are a nice way of categorizing things, usually when every item belongs to at least one of the taxonomies. For example a WooCommerce product usually has at least one product category and a product tag – but it is nicer to have them separated.
    I usually define custom taxonomies whenever I feel like that the parent category seems redundant. There are no rules on when or where to use them, it is up to the developer/editor to decide.

    There are multiple ways to place the results below that area:

    1. Using the results shortcode
    2. Using the shortcode generator

    I see you currently use the two-column shortcode. Depending on how you want the layout, you could try something from the shortcode generator instead, like for example this one will place the search bar and the settings to the top section, taking 50/50 of the space, and then the results below:

    [wd_asp elements='search,settings,results' ratio='50%,50%,100%' id=2]

    This will result in the following layout:

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Thank you!!

    Quick question: This post one specific post is NOT showing up on the results. I have tried everything but it still doesnt shop up. I tried posting a test post after it and the test post show up.



    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Fanuel,

    The results is not showing up, because it is within one of the excluded categories ‘Teacher’:

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    You are awesome. Thank you.


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