Update Fails

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 5 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #23505

    Hello, I am using Search Pro version 4.14.6 and it says that an update is available. However, when I hit update, I receive the following message:

    “Aktualisierung fehlgeschlagen: Die Aktualisierung konnte nicht installiert werden, da einige Dateien nicht kopiert werden konnten. Dies liegt meist an inkonsistenten Dateiberechtigungen.”

    In English this means “Update failed: The update could not be installed because some files could not be copied, mostly due to inconsistent file permissions.”

    This issue just came out of nowhere. Do you have any Idea how this can be fixed?

    WP-Version: 5.2.2–de_DE
    Note: admin details only work for WP-Login!

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    I suspect that the PHP process running on the server does not have sufficient permissions to make changes to the plugin files. This could be either due to incorrect ownership values, or simply the file permissions are not set correctly. From the plugins perspective, you should try the manual update instead.
    The ownership/permission issue must be solved on the server side via SSH or by contacting your hosting provider. It is also possible, that manual updating will resolve this, as the problematic files will be deleted and the new ones should get the correct permissions.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Hi Ernest,

    thanks. Unfortunately, the manual update fails as well.
    I have root access and can ssh into the server. Do you happen to know which chmod or chown I need to apply to the plugin folder / files for php to allow access?


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Henry,

    Well, I think that is server dependent to some extent, but this should contain all the info: https://wordpress.org/support/article/changing-file-permissions/

    For ownerships, ususally the www-data user needs to be the owner of the files, but that can be different. Depending on your server and path, usually a similar command should do:

    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www

    Please be very careful running SSH commands, always make sure to have a back-up.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    thanks! I got it using ssh and correcting ownership / access rights.

    I appreciate your help.


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko
    You cannot access this content. Best,
    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

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