A couple of 'how to' questions

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 4 years, 3 months ago.

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    Please note FTP access is via SFTP

    Hi Ernest

    I have a couple ‘how to’ questions:

    1. How do I handle misspellings? For instance I have a product Abbott and Co. If I type Abbot it returns no results. I have tried keyword suggestions but this doesn’t seem to work – i.e. it makes no suggestions.

    2. Is it possible to restrict the amount of the post / product that is returned on the search page?
    As it stands the search results page returns the entire post / product and then puts a ‘read more’ button – which is kind of pointless if you have the entire post / product. At the moment I only have about 10% of the content in. When the site is complete there will be thousands of entries – it’s not going to work if every result reutnrs the entire page.


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Martin,

    1. In very short: you can’t. The reason is, that recognizing mispellings would require either a very advanced linguistics feature (very processor heavy operation, and does not have universal PHP implementations), or a very sophisticated, dedicated search service (like elastic search or similar). Unfortunately these are way beyond the plugins capabilities. There is actually a plan for a feature with a different approach, that is sort of a combination of acceptable performance and accuracy – but still, is nowhere near the modern, dedicated solutions.

    2. The results page layout is controlled by the theme you are using, so that needs to be adjusted there.

    Ernest Marcinko

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