Mobile menu item not working

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 3 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #29083

    Thanks for the great plugin.
    We are having trouble with the search in our navigation menu on mobile. I have created a menu item (in ‘site menu’) using the shortcode, this works perfectly on desktop.
    On iphones, nothing happens when the search bar is touched (no keyboard comes up). On androids (Samsung galaxy and a Huawei), it works so the keyboard appears and search results appear, however you can’t actually see the search bar to type.
    On our staging site I have tried deactivating all the plugins and have tried the twenty-nine-teen theme with no success.
    I have reset the staging site for you to test:
    Flywheel login:
    user: flywheel
    pwd: courageous-dogs

    Wordpress login:
    user: admin
    pwd: HYi*%cC%N$NABC0J8YgCM%Px

    Kind regards,

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Sophie,

    The issue is that the theme uses a script to prevent some event propagation/bubbling (I’m not exactly sure which and where), and that prevents the input focus.

    Usually I recommend a custom code where possible, but in this case the event listeners are added via native javascript, where it is nearly impossible to remove event listeners for a specific node, it would cause even more issues.
    I would rather recommend placing the search shortcode outside the menu scope, or before/after the menu.

    Ernest Marcinko

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