Ajax Search Issue

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 3 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #30409

    Hi there

    I have few issues after installations.

    1. some of backned options are overlapping, please see this screenshot – http://share.4bub.nz/SDrGKr
    2. frontend – searching is not fast enough
    3. How can I group search result like this – http://share.4bub.nz/m7uiPj
    4. how can reduce thumbnail size and title will be centre – similar to above screenshot – http://share.4bub.nz/m7uiPj
    5. how can I actual product search page instaead blog search page. we have ecommerce and like to have reuslt as product searc
    6. how can show only certain result in search and show See all result (##) to open search result page?

    Much appericited

    Thank you

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    1. That looks like either another plugin stylesheet or a theme stylesheet is conflicting. They should not be loaded on 3rd party plugin pages, it is usually a very bad practice from developers. Unfortunately we cannot prevent that. I recommend trying to turn off other plugins one by one to see which is causing the issue. If none, then swtiching the theme temporarilty.

    2. You can check this documentation to optimize the settings. The rest is up to the server performance.

    3. Check the grouping documentation for possibilities.

    4. The screenshot you sent is the same as on 3., can you please check? Thank you!

    5. You can change that under the General Options -> Logic & Behavior panel.

    6. By changing the post type results limit under the General Options -> Limtis panel, and also enabling the more results feature.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

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