Button to more results

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 3 years, 4 months ago.

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    I would like to have a button “More results” under search results which will go to a search results page with more than 6 results. How can I achieve that?

    1) How can I add a button to link to more results page
    2) Can I create a custom template for more results which will include

    <?php echo do_shortcode("[wpdreams_ajaxsearchpro_results id=1 element='div']"); ?>

    but then will still show only 6 results.

    If you visit the site and click on the search icon in header you can see it.

    How can I achieve that?

    Thanks in advance.

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    You can enable the more results feature here.

    It can redirect to the results page if you need it to. The results page is however controlled by the theme you are using. That shortcode cannot be used there, it is only for a custom live results position.
    If you are using Elementor Pro page builder, then you can use it to redirect to a page where elementor posts widget is active.

    Ernest Marcinko

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