header.php integration

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Marcel Wiedmer Marcel Wiedmer 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #4976
    Marcel Wiedmer
    Marcel Wiedmer

    i’ve tried to add searchbox in my header.php but, it did not appear with shortcodes in header.php. I’ve added:

    <div class=”primarymenu menuwrap”>
    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[wpdreams_ajaxsearchpro id=4]‘); ?>

    Please check here: http://inappixcom.staging.wpengine.com/domains/

    I’ve checked your online documentation here:
    But nothing helps.

    I see the code in sourcecode, but not the form.

    So, what shall i do?

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    I can’t see the plugin files included in the header (scripts, stylesheets, inline script declarations).
    It looks like the plugin is deactivated, or the theme is missing the wp_head() function call in the header.php file.

    Ernest Marcinko

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    Marcel Wiedmer
    Marcel Wiedmer

    Thank you for your fast support. Hhhmmm – I am not a PHP coder, but I’ve integrated your shortcode in header.php as you cann see on attached image.

    1.) I’ve found wp_head() in header.php line 119.
    2.) Plugin is activated
    3.) I’ve added shortcode as html in page (not in template), so you can see, that both variations are not working: http://inappixcom.staging.wpengine.com/domains/ – first code on top (black navigation) is code in template (do code). Second added with wysiwyg.

    If I copy/paste default WP search form, search form is working fine. Strange.

    Thank you, Marcel

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Okays, I have a few more questions though, please go through these:

    1. Is the shortcode put after the wp_head() call?
    2. Does the shortcode work in the content (post or page)?
    3. If you put some other plugin shortcode to the header.php does it work?
    4. If you put the shortcode to the footer.php, does it work?
    5. If you switch the theme to default and put the shortcode to the header.php does it work?

    These will help me understand the problem, but it doesn’t look like is related to the plugin. The missing stylesheet and shortcode indicates a theme (or core) related problem, but we will see after you try the upper mentioned tests.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

    Marcel Wiedmer
    Marcel Wiedmer

    Thanks Ernest, I’ve found the issue my self. There is a template issue. On other pages, ASP works great!
    Please close the ticket and have a great weekend.
    Best, Marcel

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