Reply To: Conflict bug between Revolution Slider and Ajax search Pro on click href

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Conflict bug between Revolution Slider and Ajax search Pro on click href Reply To: Conflict bug between Revolution Slider and Ajax search Pro on click href

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


I’m not sure why and how the two plugin are conflicting, unfortunately I can only reproduce this on your site line 1-2 times out of 10. Because of this it is extremely hard to debug this. I have tried many different ways, but no errors, nothing.

Then I remembered then some time back someone had a similar issue with the slider, loosing focus on input elements in some cases, but it was not related to Ajax Search Pro.

I have tried the following code in the console, to re-apply the focus when clicking on a link, and it I can’t seem to re-create the problem since then, maybe it’s solving it?


Try putting this into your site footer.php and see if it changes anything. This basically forces back the focus to the anchor element that had been clicked.

Ernest Marcinko

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