images missing ALT text

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by depad depad 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #8382

    Hi Ernest,

    it seems like your plugin does not add ALT text and title to the thumbnail images of Realted Post Pro. Where can I find the line of code which inserts the image into the related posts ? I want to add ALT and title manually.
    Perhaps you can add this in the next version ?
    Thanks for your help…

    Best Regards,

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Markus,

    Indeed, because the image URLs are acquired in the process, the ALT text is not. I will note this and do a research on how to get this information if possible.

    The image information is printend within the related-post-pro/includes/views/rpp.shortcode.php file on line 169:

    <img src='<?php echo $rpp_post->image; ?>'/>

    What I suggest, is to put the post titles as the alt value, so changing that to something like:

    <img src='<?php echo $rpp_post->image; ?>' alt='<?php echo $rpp_post->title; ?>'/>

    That’s probably the best solution I can come up with right now.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Hi Ernest,

    many thanks for helping me. The same thing is in the next line of the same document where you add the link:
    don’t forget the title attribute! Like this:
    url; ?>’><?php echo $rpp_post->title; ?>
    changes to
    url; ?>’ title='<?php echo $rpp_post->title; ?>’><?php echo $rpp_post->title; ?>

    Its better for SEO 😉

    Best Regards,

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