Two (hopefully) small issues

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Nils Arlt Nils Arlt 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #9981
    Nils Arlt
    Nils Arlt

    Hi there,

    i hope you can help me out once again.

    I transfered the whole WordPress installation to a faster server, since then, the search results are having a broken link, all results have a /0/ at the start of there URL, therefore clicking on these results, end up on a 404 page.

    You can see this on and then type “österreich” or “tirol” , the custom post type results are having a /0/ at the start. I think this issue comes from my server change, but i really dont want to deinstall the plugin and generate a new index search table, so i was hoping you find a way to fix this.

    The other issue is more style based, i. e. if you go to and search for “tirol” , then hover over the first 3 results, a strange layer or div is overlapping these results, making them “unvisible” or “unclickable”. I tried to find this in the style options..but without luck, so i hopefully…you find the issue.

    i hope i explained my problems right 🙂

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Both are indeed small issues only.

    1. The “/0/” problem. Apparently the qTranslatex plugin is enabled but the compatibility functions are not (on the qtranslate options). This leads to an unknown language issue.
    Nevertheless this is my fault as well, as I should have updated the function names, which I forgot. I made a direct change to the plugin to use the new qTranslateX function names. Now the permalinks should appear correctly.

    I’m going to address this problem in the future release (4.9.8). In case you need to re-install the plugin, then make sure to enable the compatibility functions in qtranslatex:

    2. This one is more tricky, as there is no actual item hovering over the elements and there is no programmatical way of re-creating it. Fortunately I had resolved a similar issue before with something different, and the problem is a CSS bug, which can be resolved with this custom CSS code:

    .resdrg .item {
        backface-visibility: visible !important;

    That should solve the issue of disappearing items.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

    Nils Arlt
    Nils Arlt


    dude…i´m very very grateful, thank you for the fast response and solution, support at its finest!

    and still, great plugin! keep it up.

    thanks a lot, your solutions worked like a sharm!

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