Reply To: Warning message after update + Show More results doubt

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Thank you very much. Now the link works.

I still don’t understand why the ‘show more results’ acts this way (with, for example, results limit = 48):

1) If I don’t type anything and just filter the results with a dropdown menu, even if there should be 1000+ results, it shows 48 results (correct) and the link “Show more results (96)”; if I click on it, it loads 96 more items and shows the link “Show more results (48)”; if I click on it one last time, it loads these last items and then the link stops appearing, even though there should still ben 1000+ results.

So it only loads, in the end, 48 + (48 x 2) + (48 x 1) + stops working.

2) If I type something (example “a” = 1000+ items), now it works just perfectly: it shows the first 48 items, and the link “Show more results (1862)” [= the correct number of items with the string “a”]; every time I click on it, it just loads 48 more items, and I can do this repeatedly as long and there are items.

I just wanted to describe it in detail now that see how it works. Hope it helps.
Thank you very much for your time and your fix! As for me, I’m not in a hurry, so there are no problems. I’ll wait patiently for the fix :).