Reply To: Can I customize plugin in DIVI theme?

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Can I customize plugin in DIVI theme? Reply To: Can I customize plugin in DIVI theme?

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


1. and 2. – these might be overruled by a theme or another plugin CSS, as fieldsets and other form elements are very common. To force some space between the items, try this custom CSS:

div#ajaxsearchprobsettings1_1 form>fieldset {
    margin: 0 10px !important;

..for the background and color:

div#ajaxsearchprobsettings1_1 {
    background: white !important;

div#ajaxsearchprobsettings1_1 *:not(select) {
    color: black !important;

PS: These rules are all tailored for the 1st search instance only!

3. That is unfortunately not possible with an option. Maybe with a custom script to prevent the change event ulness all boxes have a specific value. I might be able to suggest a solution, but only when the search configuration is somewhat final. You can let me know when you have that, and then I will try to figure something out.

4. The settings shortcode is to display the results container on the same page (for the live search), but in a different location as the default (below the search bar). It’s not possible to place it on a second page and transfer the results there using that shortcode.
To have the settings boxes only, on the Layout Options -> Search box layout panel there is an option to disable it:

Ernest Marcinko

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