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hello. my client has bought your plugin and we have configured it but we have one issue. we have order references such as B30-25-595. if a client types in B30-25-595 it will display results but if they type in B3025595 it will show no results. It will work if i type in B30 25 595 which is great and needed as well but not when there is no space eg B3025595 . I have tried to use the following code from your knowledgebase to remove hypens but it doesnt work
// —- !!! ONLY COPY PASTE CODE BELOW THIS LINE to the functions.php in your theme directory !!! —-
add_filter(‘asp_search_phrase_before_cleaning’, ‘asp_replace_characters’, 10, 1);
add_filter(‘asp_query_args’, ‘asp_replace_characters’, 10, 1);
function asp_replace_characters( $s ) {
$characters = “‘,._-/?!”; // Type characters one after another
$replace_with = ”; // Replace them with this (space by default)
if ( is_array($s) ) {
if ( isset($s[‘s’]) && !$s[‘_ajax_search’] )
$s[‘s’] = str_replace(str_split($characters), $replace_with, $s[‘s’]);
} else {
$s = str_replace(str_split($characters), $replace_with, $s);
return $s;

This is critical for my client so appreciate your response asap
2.) I really need my keyword suggestion to be using taxonomy term suggestions. has this been fixed?
” I’ve looked up the source, and it seems like that the taxonomy term suggestions does not respect the maximum suggestions count. As a temporary solution, I have disabled term suggestions for now:”