Reply To: Problem with multisite?

Byron Dokimakis
Byron Dokimakis

I must be doing it wrong.

Here is the relevant code from shortcodes.php:
<pre class=”lang:php decode:true ” >else {
global $wpdb;
if (isset($wpdb->base_prefix)) {
$_prefix = $wpdb->base_prefix;
} else {
$_prefix = $wpdb->prefix;
$search = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM “.$_prefix.”ajaxsearchpro”, ARRAY_A);
if (!isset($search[0])) {
echo “This search form does not exist!”;
$return = ob_get_clean();
return $return;
if (isset($search[0][‘id’]) && isset($wpdreams_ajaxsearchpros[$search[0][‘id’]])) {
echo “This search form is already on the page! You cannot use the same form twice on one page!”;
$return = ob_get_clean();
return $return;
$wpdreams_ajaxsearchpros[$search[0][‘id’]] = 1;

$id = $search[0][‘id’];

$search[0][‘data’] = json_decode($search[0][‘data’], true);
$style = $search[0][‘data’];

And here is my shortcode:
<pre class=”lang:default decode:true ” ><?php echo do_shortcode(‘[wpdreams_ajaxsearchpro_results id=0 element="div"]‘); ?>

And here are my forms:

And here is the problem:

The shortcode does not produce any output.

Any ideas?

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Byron Dokimakis Byron Dokimakis. Reason: tried to fix code tags (?)