Reply To: Category ordering on the "Frontend Search Settings" doesn't work

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Category ordering on the "Frontend Search Settings" doesn't work Reply To: Category ordering on the "Frontend Search Settings" doesn't work

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


Are all of the categories selected individually?
I did a further tests, but everything looks okay here. It should also correct if sub-categories are dragged under the wrong main category, but even then, the order is kept. From the screenshot, I don’t think this is the case.

I have also looked up the source where the terms are printed, and that part looks correct, it uses the WordPress core get_terms(..) function, and the argument is set to respect the order of the given term IDs.

Can you grant me FTP and Back-end access to a temporary test environment where I can test this? I feel like this is something specific, or maybe there is some sort of 3rd party filter that may alter the get_terms(..) function output. It could also be an unknown bug yet, I honestly don’t know, as I’m not able to re-create the problem for some reason.

Ernest Marcinko

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