Reply To: Search issues with punctuation, word position in sentence

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Search issues with punctuation, word position in sentence Reply To: Search issues with punctuation, word position in sentence

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


Thank you for the details! I have tried to log-in to check the configuration, but I was not able to, I’m getting an ‘Invalid username’ issue.

There seems to be issues with search terms at the beginning of sentences
Can you please be more specific about this one?

Binding words
Well, with a custom filter function there might be a possibility to do so, but it depends on how the information is stored in the database. There is no language recognition within the plugin, that is way beyond it’s scope, but manually replacing search phrases could be possible. So for example, if the code detects a word from the defined phrase, it replaces it with another one defined. That could be doable. Let me know if that is something you are interested in.

Ernest Marcinko

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