Reply To: ACF – Relationship Field

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


I took a closer look at those fields, I may have found a possible solution. Please note that this may not work correctly in all cases.

So the problem with repeaters is, that they don’t have a unified structure, so I can’t add a global solution to the plugin to deal with them. For each type there must be a custom code made. Lukcily in your case, the repeater contains post type objects for both the lenses and the manufacturers.

What I did was, I made a custom function into the functions.php file in your child theme directory via FTP. This function will unserialize this ACF object, then gets the corresponding custom post title and the ID, and then replaces the old “jibberis” values in the field with these new, readable ones.

Once again, this may not be the perfect solution, but it should do the trick.

This is the function I added there, I will keep it in this thread for archivation purposes:

Ernest Marcinko

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