Reply To: Showing the search results on the search page (i.e. going without the Ajax)

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Showing the search results on the search page (i.e. going without the Ajax) Reply To: Showing the search results on the search page (i.e. going without the Ajax)

Gabriel David
Gabriel David

1.) Why couldn’t you just do $_POST[“query”] = $_GET[“query”] in a custom fix? Also, how would it be a security risk to use GET parameters? Search results aren’t exactly high stakes. Technically POST would be a bit of a security risk too if we’re worried about data being stolen. If the concern is script injection, then I hope to god users already have something protecting them from this, or else your scripts usage of GET parameters is probably the last thing to be concerned about; that is unless there is some sort of vulnerability you know about that I don’t 🙂

2.) I don’t believe it needs to be necessarily. Hell, if the pseudo-function the_results() returns a formatted html list, that would be sufficient for the purposes of this solution.

Yeah, what I’m saying is I dont mind taking a crack at that; I just need to know how the search even shows the vertical drop down results. It doesn’t need to be anywhere near as customizable imo, as if you are foregoing using the default way a plugin works you need to understand you may have to forego some of the benefits.

I mean, assuming the logic of your search is as follow:

1.) Take post parameters and pass them to search function
2.) Search function returns results
3.) Format results

It seems like the solution to this should be as simple as changing the location the search results get sent to and then formatting them differently. So all I really need to know is how do I programmatically get search results. I don’t mind coming up with my own way of formatting them (and as I mentioned, it doesnt necessarily need to be in standard WP_Query format)

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Gabriel David Gabriel David.