Reply To: Showing the search results on the search page (i.e. going without the Ajax)

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Showing the search results on the search page (i.e. going without the Ajax) Reply To: Showing the search results on the search page (i.e. going without the Ajax)

Gabriel David
Gabriel David

Here is the finished working code; I had to go against good practice a bit and make a new function in search.php that is an exact close of ajaxsearchpro_search except for one caveat; it returns the results instead of printing them:

<?php if(isset($_GET[“s”])):
require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-content/plugins/ajax-search-pro/search.php’);
$_POST[“aspp”] = $_GET[“s”];
$_POST[“action”] = “ajaxsearchpro_search”;
$_POST[“asid”] = 2;
$_POST[“options”] = “qtranslate_lang=0&set_intitle=None&set_incontent=None&set_inexcerpt=None&set_inposts=None&set_inpages=None&set_inbpgroups=None&set_inbpusers=None&customset%5B%5D=event&customset%5B%5D=speakers&customset%5B%5D=location&categoryset%5B%5D=2&categoryset%5B%5D=3&categoryset%5B%5D=4&categoryset%5B%5D=1&categoryset%5B%5D=5&categoryset%5B%5D=6&categoryset%5B%5D=7”;

echo “<h1>Search: “.$_POST[“aspp”].”</h1>”;
$results = json_decode(ajaxsearchpro_search_two());

$html = “”;
foreach($results as $p):
$html .= “<div class=’search-result-item’>”;
$html .= “link.”‘><h3 style=’margin-top:5px;’>”.$p->title.”</h3>“;
$html .= ““.$p->author.”“;
$html .= “<p>”.stripslashes($p->content).”image.”‘ style=’float:left;’/></p>”;
$html .= “link.”‘>View More“;
$html .= “</div>”;

echo $html;

//$_posts = new wpdreams_searchContent($params);
//$pageposts = $_posts->search($s);
else: ?>
<?php get_template_part( ‘content’, ‘page’ ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Obviously the html needs to be styled but it works! In fact, I’m not even using the ajax search pro form for my search!!!! I really would be a proponent of you adding a feature like this to your plugin that allows for the default WP search to utilize your *AMAZING* searching algorithm, cause legit it is one of the best I’ve seen and/or used (the other one being relevanssi, though the free version doesnt search BP which is a pain)