Reply To: Original Blog Post content get stripped of HTMl and Shortcodes

Home Forums Product Support Forums Related Posts Pro for WordPress Support Original Blog Post content get stripped of HTMl and Shortcodes Reply To: Original Blog Post content get stripped of HTMl and Shortcodes

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko

No problem at all.

In addition to point 4. Please scroll through this part of the documentation:

There are some basic information about relevance selection, keywords and such. You have a lots of long content, so for better relevance you might need to experiment a bit with the relevance options. Right now the number of keywords (Minimum occurences) is set to 10, but based on your content you should try lowering it to 5 or 3. It basically then selects a lower amount of keywords and might result in more relevant results. You can also try to experiment with the relevance values as well. Lowering the title relevance might give you different results. There is also an option called “Keep each field exclusive?” – you can find more about this on the link I upper mentioned. It might also give you more precise results.

It is also possible to choose which posts you want exactly for each post. Under the post editor, there is a metabox, where you can override the content with selected posts. Here you can read more about this:

You should also try to experiment with the restricted keywords. As you can see the related-posts-pro/restricted.txt file holds some common words that are not considered as keywords. If you feel, that some of the words on your site are too common, you can add them to that file. Every word is separated by a space.

Ernest Marcinko

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