Reply To: AND, OR search operators

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


Currently the search work only with an OR operator for separate keywords. However the 3.2 version is almost deployed to codecanyon, which contains this feature. I’m attaching a pre-release version here for you, so you can try this feature now.

Steps for upgrade
0. Make a backup copy of the current search folder just in case. It’s located in wp-content/plugins/ajax-search-pro/
1. Deactivate, delete the old version through the plugin editor
2. Install the one I attached here
3. Open up the search setting and save them to refresh the database values and to re-create the stylesheets

On the General option->Behaviour tab you should see now a new option dropdown called “Keyword Logic” where you can choose from ‘OR’ and ‘AND’.

Ernest Marcinko

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