Reply To: Plugin working in the back end but not the front end

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Plugin working in the back end but not the front end Reply To: Plugin working in the back end but not the front end

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


Could you please link me a to a page where the search shortcode is present? I can’t seem to find it on your page.

Additionally please update your ticket with proper login information if you can, that usually makes my work much faster.

If you are having trouble inserting the search to your page, then please take a look at the documentation, there is a very detailed description on how to do these things:

It’s also a good insight on how the plugin works and other very useful informations.

Also, the knowledgebase offers you a few tips for known problems, like permission issues, javascript issues etc.:

Currently I’m way out of my work schedule, I need to get some sleep. I will get back to you tomorrow morning. Good luck until then!

Ernest Marcinko

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