Reply To: White screen after activation (all other plugins work fine)

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Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko

My guess was right, altough it’s not the theme, it’s an irresponsible plugin code.

Sure it’s fixable. Altough it’s not exactly the ajax search pro causing the problem. All you need to do is open up the wp-content/plugins/wp-rss-multi-importer/inc/options.php file, go to line 1294 where you should see the isEmpty() function declaration, I guess something like:

function isEmpty() {
    // The function code is here

All you need to do is wrap that code with a function check, so it won’t try to declare the same function again:

if (!function_exists("isEmpty")) {
    function isEmpty() {
        // The function code is here

Then it should work without issues.

Ernest Marcinko

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