Reply To: Server Crashed because of Plugin

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko

Wait a second, I see something strange, altough I don’t know if it’s related to a crash. Some of the lines contain:

OR MATCH(hooplaha_posts.post_title,hooplaha_posts.post_content) AGAINST (‘caption galifianakis com source imgur id=”” align=”alignnone” width=”635″‘ IN BOOLEAN MODE))

That looks very strange to me, the commas are not stripped as the should be.

Would you please open up the wp-content/plugins/related-posts-pro/includes/related_content.class.php file and scroll down to line 1090, where you should see this:

$str = str_replace(array(".", ",", "$", "\\", "/", "{", "^", "}","?", "!", ";", "(", ")", ":", "[", "]"), " ", $str);

try to modify that line to this:

$str = str_replace(array(".", ",", "$", "\\", "/", "{", "^", "}","?", "!", ";", "(", ")", ":", "[", "]", '"', "'"), " ", $str);

I’m not sure if it’s related to the crash, but if so, then this should solve the problem.

Ernest Marcinko

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