Reply To: Trying to stop JS to add in-line CSS for the .orig class

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Trying to stop JS to add in-line CSS for the .orig class Reply To: Trying to stop JS to add in-line CSS for the .orig class

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


You had a custom filter enabled, which does not match anything, plus the search in posts and pages was disabled.

Moreover the search.php file in your theme does invoke new queries based on the default search query, I’m guessing because of the grouping of the results. The problem with that is, that there is no way of overriding those queries from plugin code, so you might need to do it programaticaly. It means that the theme already has it’s custom search code, and it overrides the overriden search query by ajax search pro.

Ernest Marcinko

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