Reply To: Thumbnails categories not showing at search results

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Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


So I checked the plugin documentation, and it looks like it’s there is a function to get the term image. Based on that I put together this small snippet:

add_filter('asp_results', 'asp_get_fifc_term_image'); 
function asp_get_fifc_term_image($results) {

  foreach($results as $k => $result) { 
    if ($result->content_type != 'term') continue;
    if (function_exists('fifc_get_tax_thumbnail') && empty($result->image)) {
      $image = fifc_get_tax_thumbnail( $result->id, $result->taxonomy, 'thumbnail');
      if (!empty($image))
        $results[$k]->image = $image;
  return $results;

Try to add this code to your active Theme functions.php file. It will try to get the images for each category after the search is done post processing.

Ernest Marcinko

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