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Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


Here is what I did with some explanation 🙂

So, I’ve found the reason. By default the category filtering logic works sort of like an AND logic. It excludes everything that’s not within the exactly selected categories. In your case this is not good, as you want sort of the union of posts in at least one of the categories. Luckily there is an option to change that, which I did and the results immediately started to appear. This option can be found on the General Options – Behavior panel, it’s called Category/Term logic. I have changed that to OR.

Then I proceeded to do some other changes as well, I hope you don’t mind.

  • I have changed the ajax handler on the compatibility options panel, it’s a performance trick – it does not work on every site, but it does on yours 🙂
  • I have disabled the animation on the Theme Options – Isotopic Results panel. Since you are planning to display 4 rows of results, it might be slowing down the users browsers on slower computers. You can of course turn it back on by selecting an animation at the Display animation opion. The default value was the BounceIn.
  • I have changed the color of the links to white to better fit with the overlay color. You can change it on the Theme Options -> Typography panel.
  • I have disabled the description on results. The isotopic layout looks much cleaner with less text in my opinion. But of course if you prefer to display the description as well, you can change it back on the Layout Options – Results layout panel.

That’s basically all I did, I hope you don’t mind.

Ernest Marcinko

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