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Hi Ernest

The website is live now. But I still have a couple of things I’m working on:

– When I search for an exact title, sometimes I doesn’t pop up in the results. For example: “Modern ship stowage”, shows no result, even this specific publication: with the exact title. I also get no results for “stowage”. I’ve already re-indexed.

– There is a custom field that says ‘I’m an part of another publication’ (like a volume): “Deel van”. But in viewing a single publication in front end; there only displayed “array”. For example:
Any ideas how I can fix this?
The code I used for this in single-publicatie.php is

<p>Deel van: <?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'deel_van', true); ?> </p>

Also important: the website has migrated to a new server. In attachment you can find the new information.



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