Reply To: Get category archives & category’s custom fields

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Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko

Hi Eno,

It’s nice to hear from you! I wish you a happy new year too 🙂

Category archives – My apologies, but I don’t recall the exact conversation. I’m guessing by category archive pages you mean the ones when you click on a category (for example under a post), then it takes you to a page listing all the posts belonging to that category.
In this case it’s basically searching for categories and returning them as results, which you can define on the General Options -> Sources 2 panel.

Category custom Fields – Yes, exactly that. Taxonomy term metadata is a relatively new feature in wordpress (since 4.4) so it’s not yet implemented in Ajax Search Pro, but it’s a work in progress.
I’m going to add an extra field to the General Options -> Sources 2 panel to select term metadata – so it will be possible to search for Categories/Terms based on their metadata.
However I’m not sure if I’m going to take it a step further to “search posts based on their categories metadata” – as this sounds arbitrary to me, since category meta is not directly an addition to posts, but the actual category (or term). Although I’m not sure about this yet.

Ernest Marcinko

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